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  • Writer's pictureEstefanny


Updated: May 6, 2018

In this post I will talk about the process I went through in order to create a bot in Python, which will be able to play SushiGoRound.

I started off by installing Anaconda 3 and the community edition of PyCharm. As a guide i followed a tutorial provided by evantotuts, which is why I will not be posting exactly every step that I took to make this but instead talk about what I found challenging or what I would do differently from what the tutorial says. The very first bump that I encountered was downloading the libraries; the tutorial suggests clicking on the links they provide and from there download. I found this very difficult because some of the files would not open on my laptop and were also I was not able to bring them into pycharm. My solution was to install the libraries straight from PyCharm by creating my project in a new environment and from there going to settings, then project interpreter and clicking on the conda symbol and then the plus sign. After this I searched for the different libraries but found another problem! I was not able to install the libraries because there was an issue with pip.

I sadly was not able to resolve this issue.

After this issue I had to resort to a second option; using IDLE Python 3.6 ( I just made a quick google search for it) Through here I used the command promt to successfully bring in the libraries. A small change is that I could not download the PIL library so instead I installed pillow and

Error when I tried to install Python Imaging Library

I did a quick google search to fix this problem and found out that PIL is not updated for python 3, which I am using, so in this case pillow will provide the same as PIL.

After solving these issues the tutorial ran pretty smoothly. The only thing that was different was having to adjust the image to the size of my device, which I did through photoshop. Also, after trying everything and double checking the dimensions in my code, while I ran the project I was never able to start the game; instead it would click to another game. I was not able to figure out why this happened.

I took a screen shot of the different sections of the game in order to measure and get coordinates.

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